Filen är ett installationspaket (msi) för att installera programmet Marshal VM Indexer som är en applikation för automatiserad sökindexering av dokument (fritext och OCR).
Hämta senaste versionen
Marshal VM Indexer
Version 24.10.11 Kommentar Dokumentindexering Datum 2024-10-24 Filstorlek 295 MB Beskrivning Bug fix regarding multiple parallel instances
Version Publicerad Ändringar 24.10.6 2024-10-16 Improved implementation of RerunPending function 24.10.3 2024-10-09 Updated registration of references between objects and their files in index. 24.9.7 2024-09-13 Added functionality for continuing stopped indexing skipping previously indexed files. 24.5.1 2024-05-31 Updated dll, checksum handling 24.3.2 2024-03-07 Support for Windows long paths 23.11.1 2023-11-20 Support for xml document referencing. 23.4.6 2023-04-27 Minor fixes. Added list for excluding files of listed extensions from indexing. 23.1.8 2023-01-23 Handling of Excel, incl. CSV as well as markdown. 22.5.10 2022-05-10